Evidology Systems Ltd,
46 New Broad Street,
London EC2M 1JH

+44 203 651 5542

Compliance Made Easy with Evidology System’s QED Solution, Now with Evidence Tracking

Evidology Systems, the company whose revolutionary QED model provides businesses with access to real-time horizon scanning and automated audit trails to monitor the regulatory landscape and implement changes, has announced the first phase of integrating compliance evidence change monitoring into QED. The system is due to be implemented across MS Office in the coming months, but at this time Microsoft Teams’ 270 million users will be the first group to benefit from this update. This initial phase of implementation will provide real-time alerts of any activities undertaken by companies to update their compliance.

The system will include detailed structural analysis of all key compliance documentation relating to a piece of legislation or international standard (ISO), helping companies to identify in detail which locations (Cloud and On-Premises) and components of documents are affected, and any specific industry glossary items being amended. The provided alerts are routed through customised channels per regulation in Microsoft Teams and can be further customised to trigger bespoke workflows using Microsoft or third-party enterprise workflow platforms.

2021 saw the QED interface integrated into existing toolsets such as Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Teams. This has resulted in a model that can be seamlessly incorporated into everyday workflows, whether it be on desktop, tablet, or phone. With the ability for QED to be deployed in the cloud as a SaaS solution, it enables interoperability with a company’s IT systems and is easily customisable to fit each organisation’s specific requirements. This new push by the Evidology Systems team to further expand their product offering in partnership with Microsoft Teams is the first step toward greater interoperability with the full suite of Microsoft office products.

Rupert Brown, CTO of Evidology Systems said,

“Our team is always looking for ways in which we can improve QED, and the ability to provide our clients with both horizon scanning and evidence tracking capabilities is a huge step forward. By allowing QED users to track the specifics of all internal changes made to their compliance models, companies have access to a greater degree of transparency in an area of business that is often frustratingly obscure.”

Future updates to QED will provide both real-time industry standard glossary change analysis and a detailed statistical analysis of documentation change sets. These performance updates to QED demonstrate Evidology Systems’ commitment to continuous research and development as a means of perfecting their already-disruptive second generation RegTech solution.

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